Join Our Team!

Interested in Joining the EPOCH Lab as a Research Assistant?

We are always looking for committed RAs to join our team who are interested in what we study and who want to learn more about how to conduct psychological research! You do not have to have prior research experience – our highly skilled and friendly team will give you extensive hands-on training during the onboarding process and whenever there is a new skill for you to learn.

In the past, Dr. Case has supervised students who are pursuing an Independent Study Course in Organization Studies (ORGSTUDY 499) or who are members of the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP). The number of weekly hours a student can expect to spend conducting research with EPOCH as a part of these programs depends on the number of credit hours they sign up for, but is usually between 3-9 hours per week.

Most of our research assistants, however, are involved as a part of student employment. The number of weekly hours a student can expect to commit to our lab’s research initiatives as a part of student employment varies, but it is usually between 2-8 hours per week.

For more information about whether we currently have any openings and how to get involved, please email Dr. Case.

Interested in Joining the EPOCH Lab as a Graduate Student?

Unlike many psychology departments, at the Ross School of Business, prospective graduate students do not apply to work with a particular professor. Rather, they apply to the program they are interested in (e.g., Management and Organizations, Marketing, etc.). Once admitted to the program, a matching process assigns each new Ph.D. admit to a faculty advisor for their first year, based on mutual interest. The following year, the student may choose to work closely with a different faculty member. All students have a say in who their faculty advisors will be. Moreover, admitted Ph.D. students are able and encouraged to work with multiple faculty members throughout their doctoral studies, even in their first year. 

Most of the Ph.D. students in the Management and Organizations Area at the Ross School of Business work closely with 2-3 faculty members. For instance, Dr. Case has been working closely with Katherine Bae and Laurel Detert since they began their doctoral studies, and they each work with other faculty members as well. You can learn more about what Kat and Laurel are studying on our EPOCH Team page.

If you are interested in working with the EPOCH Lab, you can find more information about how to apply to the Management and Organizations doctoral program on the MO department’s Ph.D. Program Website.

You can review the other wonderful faculty in the MO Area on the Faculty Directory. It is helpful to identify 2-3 faculty members you are most interested in working with when putting together your application for the Ph.D. program.